On Wednesday, May 08, 1996 9:58 AM, Eric Thomas[SMTP:[log in to unmask]] wrote:
> But you  can't really automate  that. A lot  of people have  systems that
> will systematically tell you that they've been trying to talk to Joe's PC
> for 15 minutes but failed, don't worry they'll keep trying. One posting =
> one bounce, you get your 20 bounce  limit every day. If you belong to the
> "that's YOUR  system and YOUR problem"  camp, setting the user  NOMAIL is
> fine. If on  ther other hand you  want some leniency, this  won't do. The
> same number of errors  would probably lead you to set  the user NOMAIL if
> they were "mailbox full" type of things.
How about a feature that would instruct Listserv to simply swallow bounces
containing a certain string, such as "transient failure", or containing the
address of a particularly verbose mail server that complains a lot about
transient delivery outages with do-nothing messages?
Is that too costly a performance hit to justify?
Phil Schwarz
co-list-owner, ASPERGER@SJUVM (in beta)
Phil Schwarz
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