A recent note to lstsrv-l asked:
>      ...                             i have noticed that subscribers
> who receive posts with ietf headers will never get a reply-to: header
> that points to the list while folks with full or short headers will.
> anybody know what's up with that?
The way I understand it, if a subscriber has set the option to receive
posts with "IETF" headers, the headers willl look as much as possible
like the headers of the note that the original poster sent to the list.
This option is likely not useful in most common situations, and someone
who requests  "IETF" headers ought to be aware of the implications.
(The version of Pegasus Mail that I use allows a reply to be sent to
the "To:"  header address, which happens to work  to reply to a mailing
list most of the time;  not, of course, if the mail was addressed to
the list via a "cc:" or "resent-to" header. I use IETF headers on my
subscription to a list where queries often have to do with e-mail
problems, and it is helpful to know as much as I can about the e-mail
system that the one posting the question is using.)
  Pete Hoyle - William & Mary Technology Services Computing Support
  [log in to unmask] - (804) 221-4357   (221-HELP)