Dear Sirs and/or Madams,
We are an English couple living in Portugal. I am not linguistically
qualified to host a mailing list in the Portuguese language, and therefore
want to start one in English. My local services are not suitable for this.
I would like to start a mailing list which focuses on the ways that
relationships between spouses can reflect and keep alive the experiences of
their youthful sexual encounters.
The participants would be able to explore the idea that a relationship can
be rejuvenated by re-enacting formative experiences.
The idea being that some of the negative experiences men encounter in
puberty can be turned into ways to make their sex life more exciting in
later life. At the same time this can help to 'work through the experience'
by role re-enactment, and turn self analysis into fun.
Having received many compliments on the content of my newsletters and
literature in the print media, I feel I can usefully input my ideas into
such a list and have them opened up for wider discussion rather than remain
as my lectures.
If the idea is of interest, I am prepared to expound further.
David Stevenson.