Several years ago Zane Berge and I did some exploratory research on how
list owners/moderators define and experience their multiple roles.
Some of you on this list participated in that initial study.
I have been talking with my dissertation advisor about extending that
preliminary research into a dissertation and doing some 'thick, rich
description' (gathered via an initial survey with follow up
interviews).  He expressed concern that I would be able to find enough
subjects...and expressed some doubt that the research (survey and
interviews) could be done online. So i said "I'll go ask!" :-)
I think the topic is important because, while there is a fair amount in
the literature now about teaching online...the "moderator" role(s) are
to my mind, critically important and not necessarily exactly part of the
"teaching" or "pedagogy"...and I haven't seen them teased out and
closely examined, in the words and experiences of those actually DOING
the job.
So I thought I would ask those who are list moderators and functioning
in that *role*, rather than as online teachers, to share their thoughts
about what their roles are and the "meaning" they make of them.
Data gathering would occur in the Fall. I would prefer to use both an
online (or mailed) survey instrument and online interview/dialog so this
may require several hours or more spread over several weeks. This
would depend on the preferences of those who agree to participate. I
could mail questions (snail mail or email) or put up a webpage...and
interviews could be conducted online, f2f (where possible) or over the
phone (as long as I could record the conversation for further study)
My proposal will have to go through "human subjects" so all the usual
disclaimers about confidentiality and doing no harm would be strictly
adheared to.
I am asking for volunteers who consider themselves 'list moderators'
and who have been so for 6 months or so (so they have a good sense of who
they are and what they do as a moderator).  In my mind (as a list
owner/moderator) the definition spans those who just own and 'watch
over' a list (as I do with sister-share) to receiving and posting all
messages to a list, with commentary I do with deos-l
and i am sure there are many levels in between.
I have started collecting literature and some of it is linked to the
Moderator's Home Page (under construction and welcoming suggestions)
If you would be interested in participating in such dissertation
research in Fall 1996, or have comments on my topic, or any other
questions or comments, please let me know at [log in to unmask]
Thank you all
ms mauri p. collins ma            /\\//\     Calder Square Box 10002
Internet: [log in to unmask]       > () <          State College
Voice (814)238-3823               \/()\/          PA 16805, USA