On Mon, 17 Jun 1996, Marty Hoag wrote:
>    Actually, what I'd like to see before the fuzzy domain matching is
> some sort of "change" command which would allow wildcards.  eg:
> CHANGE listname oldaddress newaddress
Marty is a genius.  I really like this suggestion,  wish I'd thought
of it (but hey, when you're only doing it in your "spare time" you don't
always get around to such nuances   :-)   ).
>    It would be nice if this could also fix any FUI/AFD sorts of things too
> if those are going to continue to exist - maybe if you specify *.
I know Marty is speaking here as an administrator but as a listowner this
is a peeve of mine which I've mentioned before.  Subscribers can sometimes
get upset when told that, really and truly, no fooling, the listowner can't
do anything about FUI/AFD subs.  Change in that in the offing?
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner