On Tue, 18 Jun 1996 00:09:02 -0500 Winship said:
>else.  But I do always enjoy the demonstration of it as I usually get
>something useful from it.
   Its nice to know that you can enjoy being on a list where people act
civilized to each other, and the men are considered gentlemen :)  *she says
>I have never been able to resist twisting Eric's tail, especially when he
>presents a golden opportunity.  A nudge in the ribs in this case, all in
>fun as they say.  Ticklish around the torso are we?
   Hmm. Again, the witness of men acting as adults *laugh*
>Eric, that is my constitutional right to be a fool.
    Not that you are proving this now by any means :)
>to the lists.  It isn't "spare" time, it's "made" time. And the reputation
>of LISTSERV is based, to a large extent, on such listowners.
   I see. I guess it doesn't matter how well the software is written or
programmed either.  I guess you found someone else you are able to stir, and
bravo for your efforts.  I don't post to the list regularly, as I lurk for the
enjoyment.  But I am not in the mood to listen to grown men act as if they are
three and falling steadily backwards.
   And as for spare time... well we know that none of us have that, and if
you really run the list, and well at that, it has to be something you enjoy
doing or you wouldn't be trying to get a rise out of Eric.  Eric *is* quick at
responding to idle chatter when he deems it appropriate, but I assure you he
considers it his job to make sure the list owners are happy.
>As I said, I love it! (LISTSERV, Eric, being shown to be a fool, etc.).
   I would say its the other way around.  You have shown who will make the
better fool out of himself but strutting as if you had just shot your first
deer.  Well, maybe a squirrel... I wouldn't give credit where it wasn't
deserved :)
   No, I am not aiming to begin a flame war, just trying to prove that there
are more people here to defend L-Soft and it's efforts to make life easier for
the list owners.  Now all we have to do is get the list owners to assist
instead of trying to provoke what will, obviously, be a waste of good "spare
time" :)   And as you will probably are well aware of, not all of us have much
spare time to begin with :)
   And if you flame, I won't take part in the party, because I have given my
spare time to defend the company that I work for.
Elena Hammond
L-Soft international