On Tue, 18 Jun 1996 13:03:48 MST Dan Lester said:
>But last week we got a nice notice from the USPS that our Zip Code is
>changing from 83705 to 83716... Of course you know who gets to have all the
>journals, catalogs, etc, changed again....and it ain't the USPS.  o-(
As far as journals and bulk catalogs go, you don't have to do a thing.  In
order to qualify for the least expensive mailing rates, mailers must run
their addresses through certified correction software.  Your ZIP code is
frequently checked by the mailer and will change accordingly.  If there are
an excessive number of errors the USPS can reject an entire nonconforming
mailing or charge the higher rates - and they do!
One of my duties here is to support just such a system for the university.
The closest thing I can think of that relates to LISTSERV is the function
of the :newnode tag in the old BITEARN NODES file.  It'd be nice if there
was a database that could be queried periodically for node equivalences and
changes and thus LISTSERV - not list owners - could do much of the work :-)
Wishful thinking and much less doable on the internet than BITNet, but I
threw it in both as food for thought and so this post would have some
relevance to this list ;-)