> Doug, do you perhaps need new  glasses?
Of course I do, Eric. I always need new glasses as they never can get
them ground quite properly (combination of severe nearsightedness
and astigmatism with being crosseyed means perfectly ground lenses are
A little closer to your old form which I loved so much.  I must say
I am amazed at the defensive reactions to a little gentle ribbing
(at least it would have been condsidered such just a few years ago).
Preaching to the choir a little, aren't we?  That's okay, the old
members of the choir still find the sermon interesting when couched
in new terms.  No, I'm not trying to provoke anything further as all
of this has been quite silly (which I assumed everyone knew from the
outset; it was supposed to be silly and has certainly lived up to the
Do have to put an edge to the "Eric baiting" skills every once in a while,
though.  I've gotten too many valuable answers in detail on difficult
problems with the technique, when direct questions failed, to give it up
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner