On  Fri, 21  Jun 1996  14:46:35 EDT  Bill Gruber  <[log in to unmask]>
>The users who are requesting it on  my lists are the ones set to DIGEST.
>They would like  the "table of contents" at the  beginning of the digest
>to contain a posting number and the poster's name or email address.
The table of  contents is a table  of the day's TOPICS,  not a sequential
list of all the messages. So, this cannot be done.
>Based on  this info they can  decide if they'd  like to read a  post and
>then go  directly to it  by searching for the  posting number -  even if
>there are other posts with the same subject.
This  is very  easy to  do with  a MIME  digest, if  your MUA  is clueful
enough. MIME digests will be in 1.8c.