> Just to prove my point... this one came in today! <grin>
> Are we the only ones where our folks are 99% on digest... and ask this almost
> now on a daily basis.. sometimes two a day...
> would it be possible to add message numbers to each message heading
> within the body of the digested file?
Actually, if one wants this, all one need do is change from DIGEST to
INDEX.  You'll not only get numbered messages, you'll also get to pick
and chose between which items are actually sent to you; you're sent
an index of the day's postings and you can chose to get all of them,
none of them, or anything in between.  And when you get them they will
have the index numbers.  Probably one of the least used LISTSERV(tm)
mail options, despite being one of the best.  It's been there just as
long as DIGESTS.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner