> Well, to begin with, INDEX isn't yet universally available, but I'd hardly
> see INDEX a substitute for numbering digest entries!  Numbering is passive,
> index requires user action.
> For what it's worth, I am often asked for that feature as well, perhaps
> because majordomo does it that way.
> --
> Bill
> City University of New York
I wouldn't trade Listserv's digesting technique for Majordomo's if my
life depended on it. In every Majordomo digest I've ever seen, it put no
table of contents, I have never seen the numbered messages of which you
speak, and the idea of the digest being a separate list is A PAIN. Give
me Listserv or give me ... never mind. But one of the reasons I moved my
list from Majordomo to Listserv was my extreme dissatisfaction with the
digesting of messages.