On Thu, 13 Jun 1996 16:57:44 -0500 george tsai said:
>I follow the example to add three users but get "DDname "X" not found in job
>I guess I don't quite understand what exactly dose DD means.
>(The Listserv is on IRIX, not VM)
The problem is not DD (which indicates that the command should use an
external database, and is not limited to VM), but that you need to relax
security on your list long enough to add the users.  Set "Validate= No",
send the IMPORT job, then set "Validate=" back to whatever you prefer.
The reason it doesn't work when you don't have "Validate= No" is that
LISTSERV doesn't store the DD while it waits for your confirmation to
come back; therefore, "DDname 'X' not found in job stream".
>//X DD *