I would like to set up a list that is fairly tightly controlled.
There are several people that can send a post to the list (more than
I want to have in a header list), so I set the list such that
* Send=   Editor,Confirm
* Editor= (another-list)
   another-list = the name of a Listserv List where the subscribers are
       those folks authorized to send to the main list.
The problem comes in that I want to use the Confirm option with the
Send so that folks can't spoof one of the legit addresses.  My problem
is that the Confirmation cookie doesn't get sent to the right person
(in truth, I haven't tried this, one of my list owners is just telling
me this).
Should this work?  (I don't see any reason why it shouldn't)
If not, can this be put on the agenda to work in the next version?
Chris Barnes                                 (409) 846-3273 (home)
[log in to unmask]                        (409) 845-8300 (work)
http://helper.tamu.edu/STAFF/cbarnes/   <--- new address