This message is an L-Soft announcement.  L-Soft is the company that sells
LISTSERV(TM),  LSMTP(TM), LMail(TM)  and  other  networking products  and
services. This message  is not a spam;  it is only being  posted to lists
which are  owned and operated  by L-Soft  and discuss L-Soft  products or
services. For this announcement, the following lists have been selected:
   LSOFT-ANNOUNCE       L-Soft announcements
   LSTOWN-L             LISTSERV list owners' forum
-> LSTSRV-L             LISTSERV administrators - give and take forum
All these lists are operated by L-Soft and related to L-Soft products. If
you wish to  unsubscribe, simply send a  message to [log in to unmask]
with the following command in the text of your message:
                            SIGNOFF LSTSRV-L
If  you  have any  question  about  this  announcement, please  write  to
[log in to unmask] for more information.
                              July 17, 1996
(Washington,  DC)...  On  June   30,  1996,  L-Soft  international,  Inc.
announced a $1,000,000.00  giveaway to celebrate the  10th anniversary of
LISTSERV(TM), the first mailing list management program in the history of
networking  (LISTSERV was  introduced in  1986, Majordomo  in 1992).  The
prizes will include free LISTSERV  licenses, free LISTSERV mailing lists,
a global 24-hour party (coming in September), commemorative T-shirts, and
more. See http://www.lsoft.com for more details, including information on
how to register to win anniversary prizes.
Today, L-Soft announced that the first theme in its mailing list giveaway
campaign  will be  "100 lists  to  make the  world a  better place".  100
EASE(SM) Home  mailing lists  have been earmarked  for the  top proposals
received for each of the following categories:
  10 lists for the Environment           10 lists for the 'Net
  10 lists for Endangered Species        10 lists for the Arts
  10 lists for the Future                10 lists for Education
  10 lists for Imagination               10 lists for Humanity
  10 lists for Health                    10 lists for the Common Good
A thorough explanation of each  of these categories, including submission
guidelines  and  recommendations,  can  be found  on  L-Soft's  web  site
"Internet  mailing  lists have  been  vital  to university  and  research
communities  for  years",  says   L-Soft's  Communication  and  Marketing
Coordinator Susan Lowell,  "I'm hoping that these 100 lists  for a better
world will raise  awareness and spur discovery in  hundreds of innovative
EASE is a service mark of L-Soft international.
L-SOFT and LISTSERV are trademarks of L-Soft international.
All other trademarks, both marked and not marked, are the property of
their respective owners.