On Thu, 18 Jul 1996 10:54:01 EDT you said:
>We have a problem searching the logs of [log in to unmask]:
>18 Jul 1996 10:13:09 Processing file 8554 from JEAN@UGA
>18 Jul 1996 10:13:09 From JEAN@UGA: Database Search DD=Rules f=mail
>18 Jul 1996 10:13:09 > S digest in lstsrv-l since 95-01-01
>DMSFRO159E Insufficient storage available to satisfy free storage request from
>18 Jul 1996 10:13:31 CANCEL: Internal error 1001 while calling LSVDBS, search
>18 Jul 1996 10:13:31 Mailed file "DATABASE OUTPUT" to JEAN@UGA
>Our Listserv (VM/NJE R 1.8B) normally runs with 24M, but I'd upped it
>to 32M when I ran the test above.  SHOW STORAGE shows:
>* Total storage size:   32M
>* Available storage:  17.0M in 89 fragments (3 larger than 64k)
>* Largest fragment:    8.6M
>* AMODE 24 storage:    8.0M in 9 fragments (1 larger than 64k)
>* Largest fragment:    7.9M
>I tried further limiting the search by date, also raising the storage
>to 48M, but still got the error.  We do have a lot of LSTSRV-L logs
>(they go back to 1/88), but we have even more SAS-L logs so I tried
>doing the same search on SAS-L: it ran ok.
>So, I'm wondering if storage is the real problem.... any ideas?
No ideas, but I'm glad somebody else has the same problem.
We started getting this error a few months ago.  I've been told
there is no fix except it will probably be fixed on the new
version.  Currently we are running 1.8b.
Elliott Parker                   Bitnet: 3ZLUFUR@CMUVM
List Owner, FOODWINE and NPPA-L  Internet: [log in to unmask]
Department of Journalism         Less certain possibilities:
Central Michigan University         [log in to unmask]
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Office tele: +1 517 774 3196        The WELL: [log in to unmask]