I was hoping there would be some useful discussion of this...
I am once again trying to figure out how the file archiving works, and
the documentation is quite difficult to follow.  As someone posted
yesterday, it's based on VM, with occasional comments that this or that
isn't available under "the temporary system" etc.  It's nearly impossible
to figure out from what's written exactly HOW one is supposed to do this.
So here's my basic question.  With much effort, I figured out the syntax
to put a file in the site.catalog and be able to put it and get it.  That's
a start.  But we need to move hundreds of files from LISTPROC to LISTSERV
and we need to be able to group them, and do indexes.  I can't figure out
how to get any files to show up in *any* indexes, let alone group them by
associated list, or by a particular topic.
There are files called filelists but I cannot figure out how they work.
If I create one under the /home/listserv/home directory, and try to do
an "index xxxx" via mail, I get back a message saying that I am not
authorized to access xxxx.filelist.  If I try to create a filelist via
an email "put", I get a message that I can't update it because it's
controlled internally by LISTSERV.
We need to be able to set up different archives, groups, libraries, or
whatever you'd like to call them, and then be able to query the available
lists via the index command.  How do I do this?????
Any help would be most appreciated!
= Laura Toms * UNIX Systems Administrator and Postmaster * (614) 761-5016 =
=      Online Computer Library Center, Dublin, Ohio * [log in to unmask]      =