At 20:52 07/07/96 -0500, Murph Sewall scribed:
>The July 15 Marketing News has a report on a recent workshop on Internet
>privacy sponsored by the FTC.  The short version is that the FTC wants to
>give self-regulation a chance before supporting regulation or legislation.
>/s Murphy A. Sewall <[log in to unmask]>      (860) 486-2489 voice
>   Professor of Marketing                          (860) 456-7725 fax
On this note, I have a question for the listowners out there:
We recently had a flame war because one listmember feels that
"nonattribution" (not signing one's email with your "real life" name) is
cowardly and encourages flames and insults. His philosophy is that if you
don't hold your beliefs strongly enough to put your name to them, you have
no business trying to sway others.
My stand is that in cyberspace, one's email address should be considered
equivalent to one's "name", and respected as such. Many people have many
personal reasons for not wishing to use their name, but hold an email
address as an identity on the 'net. Anyway, if all he wants is a first name
and last name to keep him happy, they can slap any name out of the phone
book down there...
Anyone run across this before, or have any thoughts?
Philo                          || quod per sortem
[log in to unmask]                || sternit fortem,
*2*E GULC        <*>           ||    mecum omnes plangite!    ||         -Carmina Burana