Greetings Fellow Romulans,
I regret to inform you that unless this Romulan-L mailing list can find a new home before the end of this month, this list will have to close down.  Currently, there are about 135 subscribers.  If anyone of you knows of a site that will sponcer this list for free, please let me know ASAP.  I have been searching with no success thus far, but there is strength in numbers.  Hopefully with your help, this list can still go on functioning.  It's the only list of its kind, and it would be sad to see it go after running for only a little over four months...
Any help at all would be most appriated by all of us.
Thank you for your time.
Jolan tru!
-Sirius Bontea
 Romulan Mailing List Maintainer