As part  of the 10th anniversary  celebrations blah blah blah,  L-Soft is
pleased to offer  a free L-Soft T-shirt to every  LISTSERV list owner. To
get your free shirt, go to and click on the "Flash"
link,  then fill  in  and submit  the order  form.  People who  submitted
stories for our  web site need not  feel cheated as they will  be given a
sweat or golf shirt in addition to the free shirt they are entitled to as
a list owner :-)
The reason  for the long  delivery delay is  that we haven't  ordered the
shirts yet. The problem  is that, even if you managed  to find two people
in the company  who agreed on the  proportion of size X vs  size Y shirts
(and I'm  not sure you  would), they'd be  guaranteed to disagree  on the
proportion of colour X vs colour Y, not to mention how much of which kind
of shirt  we should order. The  problem is that this  is an international
audience of  people with all sorts  of backgrounds, and we  couldn't find
any good statistics for that. The discussions were dragging on and in the
end we just decided to ask people to submit their orders in advance so we
would know exactly what they wanted :-)  We will order the shirts as soon
as  we have  say a  couple  hundred orders  in  the database  and we  can
accurately estimate the proportions.