> Date:         Tue, 6 Aug 1996 15:11:11 -0400
> From: Joan Korenman <[log in to unmask]>
> ...  I've frankly never
> understoood why that info (the filter addresses) was part of the
> header--that does NOT seem to be information the world at large should
> be able to access.
I suppose that one could identify other keywords (than the focus of
this thread --FILTER) which some list owners would like to keep
private, while other keywords would be ok to share.  This would lead to
a situation where every conceivable combination of keywords might need
to be divided into the "private" and "public" piles.
How about just using the tools that are available now? Specifically,
make the LIST file unreadable/unreviewable by all but the owner (that's
possible, right??), and let the list owner take the responsibility to
document those keywords which she is willing to share with the
subscribers in a separate file.  That separate file could be
the INFO template (of the mailtpl file), or the WELCOME file, or even a
separate file, e.g., <listname>.pubkw (public keywords), installed via
the SITE.CATALOG or FILELIST mechanisms.
That way, each owner gets to configure the sharing/concealing of
keyword information exactly as she wishes. It works today --no waiting
in line for new LISTSERV features.