>A.   It  seems  that  anyone  "civilian"  encryption  algorithm is a
>2-hours walk to a military scramble  specialist.   That's  what  NSA
>Seniors  say,  at  least.  Perhaps Mr.  "Lefty" could add any wisdom
>over the issue :-).
Happy to, Aldo.  Simply put, this assertion is nonsense.  A "military
grade" key (e.g. 1024 bits in length) can be used with current
implementations of PGP today by _anyone_ who's willing to take the time to
encrypt and decrypt with such a lengthy key.  Best estimates of actual
cryptologists for brute-force cracking of messages encrypted with such a
key are measured in millenia.  See any modern cryptology text for details.
Once again, I'd suggest you actually learn something about this subject.