If it says anything Eric, a couple years ago, management here decided
to do T-shirts for the department as our "Christmas gift".  They ordered
from M-3X in a bell curve.  (Fortunately, a couple of the directors are
a 3X, so they included them for the rest of the department who are
likewise calorically-enhanced (vertically-enhanced, etc. :-).)  Well,
the 3Xs were gone first (much to the dismay of several people who *are*
3X, but didn't get away from their desks for the party quite as fast).
Huge numbers of the calorically-challenged were picking up the 3Xs
because they like big shirts, wanted sleep shirts, etc... (rather annoyed
several people who didn't get a shirt they could actually wear because
of it... the management had actually tried to figure out what size people
were and ordered appropriately... so there were enough 2X and 3X's to
go to the folks who needed them, not the ones whose wife would like a
sleep shirt).
Motto:  Smaller folks can always wear bigger t-shirts and be comfortable.
        Bigger folks can *not* wear smaller ones (and not get arrested :-)
               and still feel comfortable.