Also sprach "Peter M. Weiss +1 814 863 1843" <[log in to unmask]>:
>When I perceive that when proprietary-based subscribers are
>getting full mailboxes such as those that occur on AOL.COM
>or COMUSERVE.COM, I just delete them.
for full mailboxes, i nomail them. unfortunately, the automatic note we
so carefully wordsmithed in the mail template that explains the reason
for that action always bounces as well. *sigh*
>This sends the "correct" message to the subscriber, if they
unfortunately, this is an implied message since notification will never
reach them automatically. if the user ever decides to read mail again,
the message usually has to be hand-delivered when they complain about
being unsubscribed/nomailed.
_O_ rob woiccak
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