At 11:34 8-08-96 -0400, you wrote:
>The reason it's suggested topics be used with an edited list is that it's
>pretty impossible to expect subscribers to always construct their own
>Subject: lines properly.  If the Subject: line is not correct then the
>whole very useful feature is useless.
Yes and that is what I thought as well. I have an unedited list with topics
(I believe all 11 even) and I expected about 25% of `right answers'. But
about 75% uses correct topics, and those who don't really consider it a
shame their mail didn't go to the subfield they aimed at. So they'll do it
right the next time. It's really not that bad, though I must admit I am
running a list about Cognitive Science so those ppl are computer/interface
oriented, maybe that helps...
Question though: I am about to combine the last three topics on my list to
one topic, and add a new one. Am I correct in understanding that only the
ppl subscibed to those last few topics need to change their topic settings?
And of course those who want to be subscribed to the new topic, if they
aren't set to ALL already?
Michel Weenink                   [log in to unmask]
Pontanusstraat 38                [log in to unmask]
6524 HG Nijmegen                 Sometimes I wonder why Murphy's law
+31 (0)24 3607665                never applies to Murphy's law (Jumbo, 22-3-'96)
Student Cognitive Science