Ingrid H. Shafer wrote:
> I've already set them to nomail. However, normally I prefer digest
> because it reduces my load to one error per day per list (I realize
Might reduce one's load of errors to one per day, but you still end up with
one full digest heading back at you attached to the headers.  Me, I prefer
setting them to index.  Still enables me to monitor, but I don't sit there
waiting for a full digest to chug its way from the server to my machine and
risk at some point running out of space into the bargain.
Luckily, Juno strips the message.  (I simply sent our lone Juno subscriber a
note warning him of the problem, have heard no more from him, figure, what
the heck, it's not MY problem, and let him bounce.)  Others aren't so nice.
Mario Rups
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