>>   User <[log in to unmask]> not known at this site.
>>Should you need assistance, please mail [log in to unmask]
You did NOT show all of the RECEIVED line headers which sometimes
will reveal if this was a .forward or RESENT situation which will
often give you enough sleuthing information to back track to the
original subscriber.  IF not, then
Scan your list for any related userid
SCAN listname GEMAR
SCAN listname .sr.se
SCAN listname @SE
See if any look familiar.  If you do not get a lot of "hits" in
the above searches, you can send e-mail to each of them.  Look
for bounces to be returned.  If you DO get a lot of "hits," then
issue the following LISTSERV commands
SET listname SHORT822 FOR *@*.SR.SE
SET listname SHORT822 FOR *@SExxxx
SET listname SHORT822 FOR userids@nodes
Then issue the reversing
QUIET SET listname SHORT FOR x@y
If all of this fails to reveal the errant subscriber, it might
help to enlist the aid of the postmaster at the bouncing site to
interrogate the SMTP delivery logs to see what user/site is
actually forwarding the mail.
URL:mailto:[log in to unmask]  "Don't drink n' drive on the info. super hi-way"