Another :NEWNODE related gotcha.
You would need to reconfigure your VM TCPIP and/or SMTP
(RULES/CONFIG) and/or MAILER to generate a more correct FROM:
field, but THEN pre-existing subscribers would
get the shaft on subscriber-only lists since they would NOT be
generating that FQDN any longer.
But be aware, technically you are in a catch-22 position.  Not
all MLM's process :INTERNET tags, only maintained LISTSERV sites
that do Bitearn Node processing.
Also, you have lost the ability to be a NAD for those bitnet-
converted addresses that now are (see my posting
from yesterday).
Those converted users won't be able to unsubscribe without
list-owner assistance.  If they subscribe, they'll do so from
their new address, thus possibly ending up with dups (unless they
did gain list-owner assistance).
Depending how was used before your change, you
could possibly causes massive automatic deletes (via LISTSERV
auto-delete processing) if you were to replace it with a bogus MX
host for that resource record (definitely _caveat emptor_).
My near-longterm suggestion is to run update@bitnic to
remove your :NEWNODE tag, and add / update your :INTERNET
tag with this additional FQDN.
:NEWNODE processing only will convert Bitnet to Internet
FQDNs, not existing equivalent (via the :INTERNET tag) FQDNs.
Removing the :NEWNODE tag will then allow the Bitnet NAD
to be able to control the :INTERNET FQDNs once again.
URL:mailto:[log in to unmask]  "Don't drink n' drive on the info. super hi-way"