What about for Unix ListServ? ANy chance there? We have a few important
lists here. Just this morning, all of out outside connections were lost
because of a downed router which connected us to the InterNet. There
were two lists which should have broadcast a message stating this, but
because of the slow sendmail processing (because of no DSN lookup), the
lists were delayed by 2 hours.
I understand that this is mostly a sendmail issue, but if we could set a
priority on lists, then those could always be
processed first. I think that jobs submitted with lcmd get a higher
priority because they are named differently. Can the same thing be done
with the alias file? Maybe as a flag to lsv_amin? A possibility for
1.8c, perhaps? :-)
Eric Thomas ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: You can  write your  own program to  order files in  the reader  and have
: LISTSERV execute it every XX minutes from the WAKEPARM FILE (you must NOT
: do this from  another userid with class D privileges!)  However this will
: only  provide a  moderate improvement  as  SMTP will  not expedite  these
: messages and this is usually where the bottleneck is.
Bob Jackiewicz            UIC Academic Computer Center           [log in to unmask]
University of Illinois at Chicago                            Network Services