In a message dated 96-09-27 08:13:48 EDT, you write:
>It's called  fairness, Lisa. You  made it sound  like we had  doubled the
>price without warning and  you got a surprise bill and  had no option but
>to relocate in a hurry. We  simply do not follow such business practices.
>There is  no surprise bill,  as you know, because  you pay for  a certain
>number  of   subscribers.  We  make   sure  LISTSERV  won't   allow  more
>subscriptions than you're  paying for, and you never get  a bill for more
>than what  you agreed to pay  in advance. Your fees  have doubled because
>you have explicitly asked us to double your bill so that you could triple
>the  size of  your list  and multiply  traffic by  about 8.  It was  your
>decision, you could have kept the limit and fee you had. This is all I am
>trying  to  say, you  are  obviously  free to  decide  that  this is  too
>expensive and seek  a free home elsewhere, I don't  have any problem with
>that. A  lot of ISPs offer  lists for $0.00 monthly  to attract customers
>and I'm sure you'll find an arrangement that fits your budget.
>  Eric
Ok, Eric.  Sorry, I'm just kind of irritated about the whole thing. But I
honestly wasn't trying to insult you or your company.