>For Spam avoidance the list is going private on Oct. 15th (yep! we even
>tool a vote on that 'cuz of the Netgate). Is there any use to put the
>list self moderated with a Editor=me,(BLUES-L) orSend=Private is enough
The "SEND= EDITOR, EDITOR= me,(BLUES-L)" gives you the
opportunity to pass judgement on a posting from a non-subscriber
(who in fact might BE a subscriber whose e-mail address has
changed slightly).  SEND=PRIVATE will not be as forgiving since
you are NOT notified of such trivialities, until the subscriber
notifieds you independently.
Of course you won't see true non-subscriber posts either -- so
it's a trade-off.
>P.S. Do you VM and CMS experts think that Peter will cut the list if I
>just delete the errors-to= and errors go the Postmaster who is the CMS
>maintainer at Brown ? ;-) I won't, but I wish I did ...
If I were a postmaster who received such, I'd reconsider hosting the
list :-(
/Pete Weiss at Penn State