Quoting Eric:
>L-Soft would pay for the party, however L-Soft does not have an
>office in SE and I *really* don't think there will be enough
>people to justify renting a party hall, not to mention 48h in
We could have the thing at the Natural History Museum. If setting
it up during the course of the next twelve or so hours is
cutting it too close, maybe we could plead temporary temporal
displacement and have it the day after?
Cary Karp               Department of Information Technology
mailto:[log in to unmask]        Swedish Museum of Natural History
http://ck.nrm.se/       Svante Arrheniusv. 3
Phone: +46 8 666 4055   Box 50007
Fax:   +46 8 666 4235   104 05 Stockholm, Sweden