On Thu, 24 Oct 1996 09:36:06 -0500 you said:
>I have the following line in my mailtpl file:
>    &MBX(&WHOM)
>I am trying to get the name and email address of the poster on the
>message. Nothing displays. What in the world am I doing wrong?
You can't use &MBX(&WHOM) in a bottom banner.  This behavior will be
documented in the new manuals (in fact it may be documented in the
beta manuals, I can't remember which revisions have made it into the
copies currently on the site).  You should use DUALHDR if you need
to get the poster's name and e-mail address into the message (e.g.,
for those with mail clients that don't show it).
>Also, it appears that we can have tags in the subject line with
>1.8c. Do the Ease Home lists run 1.8c now? Where is the doc for
>1.8c? Am I being too clueless here?
HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM is running 1.8c.  The beta 1.8c manuals are at