> Michael Jones <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >I have a possible new subscriber with an email address that is 80 characters
> >before the host (@mcimail.com).
> Well, RFC822 doesn't specify a limit, but it's reasonable to expect that
> E-mail software will impose one.  I wonder what the LISTSERV limit is.
> (Did the error message say?)  80 characters seems excessive.
But it happens with Banyan other PC LAN addresses in the form
[log in to unmask]
The only stupidity I see in the situation is the 80 char. card inherited
from the punch card and still used on IBM VM/XA et al ...
And, if the LISTSERV is on VM than you need to limit much further
because a mailed command is "one record" by line so I guess the working
limit is closer to 60 char. unless there is a trick to use
"continuation" lines. But then I guess you have to ask does LISTSERV
data structure for the list has a limitation ?
My 0.148$US (.02$CDN ;-)
Eric Paul-Hus ---->   mailto:[log in to unmask]
HTML Writers Guild Member since July '96 (CyberApprentice)
Mantre de poste binivole http://www.login.net/festival/blues Volunteer
Festival de Blues de Drummondville: [log in to unmask]
Un drtle(*) de Quibicois errant sur la toile de l'Universiti de la
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