Hi ho!
Around my University listserv maint is "That" job, the one handed to
the new-hire.  *grin*  It's my turn in the barrel.  As you can
surmise, I therefore know next to nothing about this beast.
Recently, we have been seeing an increase in errors of the type:
*** begin quote ***
The enclosed mail file has been identified as a delivery error for
list Ulistname~ because it was sent to the reserved 'owner-Ulistname~'
 *** end quote ***
where Ulistname~ is any of several lists we serve at our site.
I've read the available documentation, but if I saw mention of this
"owner-Ulistname~" bit it didn't register.  I assume this is an
inteernally gnerated address, 'cause we've not explicitly created it.
Right now it is serving no usefull purpose, only being an annoyance.
This may well be because "we" don't know what it is for and,
therefore, don't realize what I should be learning from it.  *smile*
Where in the available documentation can I find information on this
Under what conditions is mail sent to it?
Can I turn it off?  How?