On   Wed,   13   Nov   1996  11:13:41   -0500   "Ellen   F.   Rosenblatt"
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>I have 28  lists which all have the same  characteristics. (They are for
>sending  administrative   messages  to  different  schools   within  the
>University.) Whenever I have to change the characteristics of the lists,
>e.g. add  or remove  an owner, I  have to update  information in  all 28
>headers. Is there a way to have them all have the same header info.
You can use  the .IK feature, which  is seldom used or  mentioned but was
designed for just  this kind of situation. If it  isn't documented in the
manuals, we'll make sure it's added in the 1.8c version.
>I also have  template files for all the  lists - is there a  way to have
>them all use the same template file?
Yes, let's  say your template is  called XYZ.MAILTPL, you would  then add
"Language= XYZ" in the list header.