I am looking for someone to sponsor a small mailing/distribution list
for me.
It will not be used for commercial purposes.  It will have at the
most 25 suscribers and will be used to help a group of friends keep
in touch.  I don't need anything fancy.  I used to use a simple
.forward file that I manually maintained.  There will be aproximately
5-20 messages distributed per week.  They are typically small, and
rarely exceed 25 lines.
I would be grateful for any help!
Thank you!
Nathan Foster
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To find a Listserv sponsor, write up a draft proposal which describes
the list you'd like to create and mail it to [log in to unmask]
Mention in your message that you don't usually follow those discussion
groups, so could responses please be mailed to your private address.
Please only submit your proposal *once*.  If someone is willing to
host your list, then you will hear back from him or her.  Repeated
proposals for the same topic are only likely to annoy the readers of
the list and may make them less likely to want to take on new lists.
For more detailed advice on this process, send the command GET
NEW-LIST CREATE as an e-mail message to the address
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