I challenge Mike H. to prove he is a lazier listowner than I.
I don't think it's possible.
The "cancelbots" don't catch everything so one uses the tools already
available in listserv to block the spam.  Yeah, that means lazy old
me has to approve the garbage, but that's the plus, I get to see and
laugh at the dreck while my lists are spared; I'm amused and the
subrcribers aren't bothered and takes little of my time.
It works.  Multi-thousand lists, moderate/high traffic, free discussion,
and no spam has gotten through for the past two years (I know, I killed 'em),
even with gateways.  And I'm still as lazy as I ever was, which is pretty
durn lazy, as my wife will doubtless confirm.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner