On Sat, 4 Jan 1997 12:37:51 EST Nathan Brindle said:
>Well, first of all, what do you want?  Do you want the non-subscriber
>posts to simply bounce, or do you want to review them for possible
>acceptance?  It's not clear form the above.
Sorry I wasn't clear enough.  I want the non-subscriber posts to simply
bounce back to the poster and the subscriber posts to come to me (as the
primary editor) for review.  Is there a way to do this?  The list is for
subscribers only but because of too many flame wars I now approve all
posts, even from subscribers.
>That being said, "Editor" and "Private" are mutually-exclusive
Ok, I think that answers my question.  Thanks for your other tips in
your reply.
>It <sounds> like what you want is
>* Send= Editor,Hold
I probably should try Send=Editor,Hold since I don't really do content
editing, but every now and then a message comes across with a bunch of
base64 stuff at the end of it, which is not really a useful attachment
but (as near as I can figure out) some sort of font and other info for
certain word processors.  It's nice to be able to remove that before
sending the message along, so I've been using Send=Editor.
>>> Dave Hardy   Internet:[log in to unmask]   BITNET:TOONCES@MITVMA
                 DISCUS-L owner (Discus fish)  Stripes owner (Angelfish)
                 CASTRECL co-owner (Musical Theatre cast recordings)