OK it's the beginning of the year and time to do implement some mod's on
my list...
I gather that the Renewal=3-monthly will a renewal notice to any account
inactive for 3 months, ie frequent posters won't have to renew... Am I
correct on that ?
Also the renewal confirmation should be used with "forward" or a new
message should be generated with CONFIRM LISTNAME. Is it true even if we
use reply-to=sender,respect ? Would reply then work ?
Thanks in advance to all that can clarify that.
I plan to make the change soon and make the list self-moderated as per
Jim suggestion (forwarded by the almighty Pete Weiss) ... One big pplus
of self-moderation scheme is to be able to customize the reject message
to include sub info...
I intend to do both changes at the same time ... Then I'll retire ;-) !
PS I know I must set both of my NetNews sub's to NORENEW, as other
distribution list "pseudo-users" such as blues-readers@...
Eric Paul-Hus, BLUES-L