Eric Thomas wrote:
> The official VM procedure (GET +  PUT) works under other systems as well.
> You can also  delete/edit the file, then delete the  DBINDEX file, and it
> will  work  to  the  same  extent  as  it  did  on  VM  (and  is  equally
> unsupported). This  messes with  the web archive  interface, so  you then
> need to do the equivalent of  deleting the DBINDEX: remove all the INDxxx
> files  in  the  web  archive  subdirectory for  the  list,  then  restart

Someone else responded that editing/deleting the files and issuing a
"refresh listname" would rebuild the indexes.  Will this work?  Is this
a bit more "supported" than the above process?

Jeff Kell <[log in to unmask]>