On Fri, 3 Jan 1997 09:54:52 EST Harold Pritchett said:
>We do this now with the .ik list keyword
>In the list header:
>*  Some list
>*  Local= MCIMail.COM,*.MCIMail.COM
>* .ik ga-local
>And in the file GA-LOCAL KEYWORDS
Hey, this may be the answer to my question about how to have a common
Filter list!  Can I do:
* Some list
* other list keywords
* .ik my-filter
In My-Filter Keywords
* Filter= Also, list of all the bad-boy addresses...
I'm gonna try it.
Chris Barnes                                 (409) 846-3273 (home)
[log in to unmask]                        (409) 845-8300 (work)