Howdy from Texas A&M University!

I have had several spamming attempts on my list this week (more than
I have ever previously experienced).   Is there any particular reason
for this increase?

My listserv is set up so that individuals can only be added by owner (me).
Is this enough to protect my list or is there something else I should
be doing?  In addition, I send a message from my e-mail address to
individuals who look legitimate (i.e. are sending messages from a
university in my state) asking them to verify their position and
institution.  I usually delete suspicious messages (i.e. messgaes
signed Bill offense to the President!)  without
forwarding anything to them.  However, if I were to mail my message
to a spammer, he or she would then have my e-mail this
something I should be concerned about?

I am fairly new to all this and would appreciate any advice you could
give me.  Thanks for your help!

Samantha Leech
Texas A&M University