>> please remove me from this list
>Is it just me or is there something wrong with this picture? This is
>a listserv-related list, and the people here don't know how to
>unsubscribe from a mailing list?

Nothing surprises me any more.  I post a regular message to my mailing
lists explaining how to unsubscribe in the hopes that it might furnish
clues to the clueless.  Last month there was a follow-up to this message;
the writer, of course, asked to be removed _and_ quoted the entire
informative message.  I've seen postings from lists which have unsubscribe
instructions in their BOTTOM_BANNER in which the writer asks to be removed
from the list.

I think it's a completely insoluble problem.

Lefty [gYon-Pa] <[log in to unmask]>
C:.M:.C:., D:.O:.D:.