This is a new 1.8c feature that was introduced into some late 1.8b
builds as beta code (and of course the beta 1.8c servers have it, as
does LISTSERV Lite).  All mail coming from a web browser requires an
"ok" because it is assumed that many web browsers are in public computing
clusters and may or may not have a correct return address set.
On Wed, 8 Jan 1997 14:11:22 -0500 Mark A Greenhalgh said:
>        I have just installed listserv and lsmtp lite on Windows NT.  I now
>to be having an odd problem with subscription confirmations. I have several
>list set up for no verification, but when ever someone subscribes using the
>Netscape client they are forced to do the "ok" verification. Other clients,
>msmail, eudora, Lotus Notes, etc subscribe without a problem.  Has anyone
>seen this ?
>Mark Greenhalgh
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