I just registered my new Compuserve ID this week - and when I did, the
screens clearly said that it wouldn't go into effect for a while, and then
it went into effect right away.

I had a choice what user ID to pick.  They prompted me with
[log in to unmask], [log in to unmask] or "other."

When I asked what was going on on several Compuserve forums, I was told
that I would only be switched to using my alphabetic ID in the "from" field
if I had signed up for NEWMAIL.

I suspect (but am not certain) that I did sign up for NEWMAIL - but I was
confused when I did it (I assumed it was the same as the hmi (?) protocol)
- and I didn't find any explanation before or since that would tell me what

All this detail is to say that it isn't clear to me whether EVERYONE who
signed up for a Compuserve alias is now using that alias for outgoing mail,
or whether only those people who somehow signed up for NEWMAIL, whatever
that is, are using the alias.

It is true that I can receive mail with either my numeric ID or the alias -
it is the outgoing mail to listservs that is the problem.

Harriet Bograd, Attorney/Consultant <[log in to unmask]>
Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York
Coordinator, Cyber-Accountability Listserv (to join, e-mail [log in to unmask])
Web site: http://www.bway.net/~hbograd/cyb-acc.html