On February 28, on [log in to unmask], Les Moskowitz said:
 >>I certainly hope that NO consideration be given to disabling either the
 >>GET or PUT option with regard to the subscriber material outside the
 >>There is much valuable information there in a convenient format, which
 >>is NOT available elsewhere.  I use this material constantly both for
 >>updating and monitoring the activity on my list.
 >>I have little sympathy for those who disregard instructions and warnings
 >>in the owner's manual, to their detriment.  And I see no reason for
 >>making my life difficult to compensate for their lack of ability to
 >>follow instructions.

Each of us will make mistakes from time to time no matter how much
we try to avoid them.  Are you free from this human curse?

>From what I have read on this subject so far the prevailing
sentiment is not to disable this ability but simply make it
harder to alter the subscriber information so that it won't be
done unintentially. Since altering only the header information is
the desired result most of the time why not make this the

-Debbie Douglass

[log in to unmask]    : May your sword always be within
Systems Administrator               : reach and may your Foe's skill
GTE Government Systems, Needham, MA : and luck be less than your own.
