Thanks everyone for your ideas.  Though I haven't resolved my problem,
I've already learned a few things.

>        In reference to:

> Set Freedom-L nodigest
>The messages that had accumulated thus far for the FREEDOM-L list are
> being sent to you as a digest.

Note the *thus far* in the above.

It seems I was not clear as to what is being sent when one changes SET from
Digest to Mail.  It should send the accumulated messages since the last
digest.  That is not what it does.  It does send *all* messages accumulated
since the list was open- *more* than a weeks worth.  Everything that had
accumulated in the Notebook!  Everything!  The same thing happens when I
UNSUB and RESUB and make the switch.

Given that:
* Notebook= Yes,A,Weekly,Private     (WEEKLY)
* Digest= Yes,Same,Daily                     (DAILY)

This makes no sense whatsoever.
(checked "timestamps" on posts- clock is okay)
(corrected redundancy in Ack/NoAck)

New clue...  I "flushed" the Digest, i.e.,
I turned the setting in the header to Digest= No
and then turned it back to Digest= Yes,Same,Daily
It has now flushed out the old *long* accumulation and is starting anew.
I'll let you know if it begins to over accumulate once again.
