At 09:03 AM 2/12/97 +1000, you wrote:
>Hello ppl,
>I was just wondering whether there is any particular reason why so many
>ppl seem to be unable to unsubscribe from the list?

Simple.  The world is full of idiots who can't or don't or won't read
simple instructions.

 Does this has
>anything to do with the 1.8b-->1.8c upgrade???


 Cause I have noticed alot
>more unsubscribe requests to the list.

As the net grows the percentage of idiots continues to grow.

 Also doesn't listserv have some
>filtering options?  Like detect the word unsubscribe (or any other
>chosen words) and if found send to the editor/moderator for approval?

yes it does.  but they have to be in first line, and have to be spelled
right.  unsbribe won't get caught (one i've actually seen).  and folks who
have braindead mail software that insists on putting in headers, dates,
etc, inside the message.

I'd say the biggest problem, however, is the great number of outfits that
keep changing configurations of hardware and thus giving people new
addresses.  Most of the netgeeks can manage to keep
stable, no matter what box it points to this week.  Unfortunately they
can't seem to do that with something like  Oh, well.....


Dan Lester
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In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king.