
        I have been running a manual mailing list for almost two years.
It is a bilingual (English/French) one-joke-a-day distribution list.

        Recently, my University locked my account because I did not have
the right to have a mailing list there.  (It may also have something to do
with the fact that I have 1100 subscribers!)

        I am trying to find a way to transfer BLAGUES-L to a List
server.  I have never operated a Listserv, but I know how the subcriber
part works, so I am not a real newbie here.

        Where will a provider accept my list?  It is only one joke a day,
five days a week.  One predictable problem: my addressbook is in the
Pine-software format, will I have to tell each subscriber to resubscribe,
or will I have to copy every 1100 addresses one by one?

        I hope to continue this.  Please someone get back to me.

        Have a good day!