On Thu, 27 Feb 1997 13:55:16 -0500, Eric Henes <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I'm updating the list topics for the list that I run and I'm not sure how I
>go about continuing the the topics when I reach the end of a line as seen

* Topics= one, two, three, etc
* topics= four, five, six, etc

If you want everyone to have all topics as default, I think you can just

* Defualt-Topics= all

>the message "Invalid RFC822 address - POSTCARDS,OTHER. Recipient ignored.

All list header lines must always have a * in column 1 otherwise they will
try to be interpreted as a possible subscriber/address.

The above msg may mean you have also wiped out your subscriber list if you
used the GET name (HEADER with the NOLOCK option (not a good idea to use

 Ben Parker ............ (Oak Park IL) .......... [log in to unmask]